Day 18 Exercise

Hello hello hello ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ˜ Itโ€™s Day EIGHTEEN of the one exercise a day challenge. Today’s move is a bit unusual. It’s the: WALL FLY. I absolutely love this move because you can do it pretty much anywhere without actually LOOKING like you’re working out. Since it engages your biceps, obliques, pecs (chest), shoulders, glutes, and inner thighs, this is an optimal move for anyone on-the-go! Watch the training video, then complete your workout as recommended below!


Set a timer for 45-60 seconds and hold this position until your time is up! Take a short break and then complete it again up to 5 times.


You can engage even more muscles by doing one of the following:

  • Hold a lunge position – this makes sense if you are using a doorway for this exercise.
  • Lift one foot off the floor to challenge your balance
  • Recruit a partner instead of a wall – face a friend or loved one and place the insides of your right palms together. Press as hard as you can while maintaining the same posture as the video describes. Once your time is up, switch hands!

PS – Don’t forget to head over to the Facebook Group when you’re done and share your experience! I’ll see you over there!



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