Day 23 Exercise

Hey hey hey, fam! It’s Day TWENTY THREE of the one exercise a day challenge. And today we have a fan favorite: the WALL PUSH. This is another move you can complete virtually anywhere, as long as you have a stable wall nearby. This exercise is a total body burner and the best part is that you can make it as challenging as you like! Watch the training video to find out how it’s done, then complete your workout as recommended below!


Set a timer for 30-60 seconds and push the wall as hard as you can. Make sure the wall you’re using is completely stable (note: I do not recommend using a door, a fence, or furniture). Once you’re done, take a quick break and complete again 2-3 times. FYI: The straighter your arms, the easier the exercise will be.


For a bigger burn in your legs, lift your heels high up off the floor so you’re pressing into the balls of your feet. Keep your elbows bent and aim to draw in your abdominal muscles. This will give you more engagement in your front body.

PS – Don’t forget to head over to the Facebook Group when you’re done and share your experience! I’ll see you over there!



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