Decompress – Friday, November 20, 2020
Learn to do the wiggle in this super simple dance tutorial and get your low intensity cardio on at the same time. Trust that although this move may be easy to complete, it will get your abs and your thighs WORKING real quick!
Prepare – Monday, November 23, 2020
Trying to sculpt your waistline or build strength in your midsection to strengthen your lower back? You've come to the right place! This 5 minute routine contains three kick butt moves to help you get stronger, tighter abs. There's no equipment required, so you can do this workout at home or while traveling. What are you waiting for? Grab your mat and let's get to it!
Strenghten – Tuesday, November 24, 2020
My brothas and sistas! It's time to work your ARMS with two exercises that are designed to target your TRICEPS (commonly known as the "bat wing" area under your arms). If you're looking to achieve sexy, sculpted arms, this workout is the right one to complete. You don't need any equipment, so what are you waiting for?? Hit the play button and let's get it started!